Tiger Tiger Burning Bright

Miscellaneous thoughts and rantings about a New Yorker who moved to the suburbs of pretentious Connecticut.

Location: Connecticut, United States

I am a mom, a MBA candidate, a financier, a neat freak, a fashionista, a latina, a New Yorker...but mostly I'm just a girl.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Tim Gunn's Guide to Style Review

Last night although exhausted from a hard day at work, I managed to stay up and watch Tim Gunn’s new fashion show. I hope you guys remember Tim Gunn, aka my gay fabulous husband from fashion runway. Any who, the show was ok; I think they are still trying to work out the kinks. They have a lot of ideas but it all seemed very patchy. The whole concept is that they give the poor wretch a guideline and she is suppose to figure out her own style with the guidance of Veronica the token super model. I agree with all their rules and guidelines, which emphasize FIT, and to stay true to your personal style.
A. Underwear is the foundation for a good outfit. I agree you can wear a fabulous dress but if your granny panties are showing through and you boobs are not facing up the way nature and Victoria secret intended, than you go from fashion Do to fashion Don’t.
B. We should all have a core of ten items in our closet that fit us great:
1. Basic black dress pants
2. Basic white dress shirt
3. Trench coat
4. Skirt
5. Day dress
6. Evening dress
7. Blazer
8. Jeans
9. Sweat suit alternative
10. Sweater

I think that we all have to learn what works with our bodies, and accept the things we don’t exactly love about it. My major issue with fashion is that I will buy really great stuff for a “special date”, and than I never end up wearing my clothes. I guess I don’t feel too comfortable with excess attention therefore I don’t wear things that will cause any kind of stir even if I love the outfit. Sick? Yes definitely, but I think I will start each day saying: “Who the F cares?” If people don’t like it they can just look the other way, if my coworkers think that I’m snotty than, quite honestly they can bite me! It’s annoying, but why should it affect me? Their stupid comments range from, “where are you going?” to “Lesslie thinks she’s Sara Jessica Parker”. Well they can kiss my Chanel purse!


Blogger Susan R. said...

Any french movie would emphasize which essential pieces of clothing a woman should have. I have books on it! You should dress to make yourself happy. Fuck your flaky co workers.

Love ya

4:01 PM  

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