Tiger Tiger Burning Bright

Miscellaneous thoughts and rantings about a New Yorker who moved to the suburbs of pretentious Connecticut.

Location: Connecticut, United States

I am a mom, a MBA candidate, a financier, a neat freak, a fashionista, a latina, a New Yorker...but mostly I'm just a girl.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Story of my life.

So I had to go to the city today to get some paper work done in order to get my passport renewed tomorrow. I woke up at around 5:50 was on the train on time, but there were no seats. So I had to force myself awake in order not topple over to some one's lap. Once in the city I got to City Hall too early and had to stand in the cold for half an hour, than there was the bomb scare... story of my life!!!! I can not tell you how typical this is for me, it took me 2 hours to get something that should take at most half an hour, all the while I am freaking out cause I have to get back to work and tell my boss that I made a mistake and that I have to take off tomorrow not Thursday the way I originally told him. Fortunately all worked out well I'm ready to go for tomorrow..oh wait I forgot the pictures I have to take and the copies...It's going to be another looong night. Does not surprise me one bit.


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6:33 AM  

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