Tiger Tiger Burning Bright

Miscellaneous thoughts and rantings about a New Yorker who moved to the suburbs of pretentious Connecticut.

Location: Connecticut, United States

I am a mom, a MBA candidate, a financier, a neat freak, a fashionista, a latina, a New Yorker...but mostly I'm just a girl.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Blogging about blogging

One of my favorite pastimes is to read other people's blogs, but more specifically I like to read their first blog entries. I like to read their awkward first attempts at this whole blogging deal and how they eventually find their rhythm and more importantly they find their voice. I like the way people try different styles of writing before finding their own. It is fascinating to read the different stages of their lives chronicled before me. They make me understand and be more open minded than before I read their blog. Some of my favorite blogs that I read have nothing in common with me. Some are married older women with children, yet I identify to their need to tell a story, or express their inner thoughts to the online abyss that is blogging. While reading their blogs I wonder if I will do this gig for years to come the way they did. I wonder if my life will help someone through the day or if my experiences will help someone be more open and accepting. I don't know the answers yet, but I hope to find out.


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