Tiger Tiger Burning Bright

Miscellaneous thoughts and rantings about a New Yorker who moved to the suburbs of pretentious Connecticut.

Location: Connecticut, United States

I am a mom, a MBA candidate, a financier, a neat freak, a fashionista, a latina, a New Yorker...but mostly I'm just a girl.

Monday, September 17, 2007

I'm sooo sleepy

The event horizon in reference to a black hole is the exact point in which you are “in” the black hole. It is the point in which there is no turning back. That’s how I feel about Tuesday; it’s when I will know how long the process of fixing my life will actually take. This has of course made me as anxious and stressed as I have ever been. My mind is constantly racing with questions, possibilities, and facts. I can barely close my eyes at night without my mind exploding. I barely sleep in the first place and now I am not sleeping at all; I am therefore useless today, no actually I am clinically retarded today, as well as really high strung. While waiting for my train this morning I was watching two deaf mutes argue, yes I said argue. Their arguing consists of very sharp signing, so because of my gawking I almost missed my train. Almost missing my train made me extra cranky and when the woman next to me whipped out her cheerios and starting crunching all over me I almost lost it (my biggest pet peeve is people eating in my ear). I got up and stomped away, as if though that might show her. Later once I got off the train at Rye there was a pebble on the ground that made me trip ever so slightly, this was too much for me to handle and was one tantrum away from a complete nervous break down. I need some heavy-duty yoga relaxing classes, and/or some heavy-duty recreational drugs, which ever is cheaper.


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