Happy Birthday to me
I have not written in a while...about a year I believe...so much has happened, that's always the case these days. One turns around and everything is different than where you had last left it. I will be 27 in two days. I have never felt so out of touch with my age as i do right now. I don't fully comprehend that I will be 27, not in a bad way, just in the 27 is adult and I am no adult way..so weird. I feel that I am probably the most comfortable with myself than I have ever been before, and in that sense I feel the happiest I have ever been before. I need to continue to know myself, and accept what I find. I am currently working on my MBA and I am taking a management course, in which one of our tasks was to write about who we want to be as leaders, but it started of by asking us to list 5 of our greatest strengths and talents. I could only list 1, and I was doubtful about it. I may know who I want to be, yet it's so hard to accept who I already am. The catch 22 is that the only way for me to become who I want is by acknowledging who I am, so that I can work from there. I think that is what 27 will be about. Learning who I am and loving it. There is something so comforting in sending these words out to the void of the internet world.